The release reviewed here is a split collaboration between
the putrid mess that is FETID ZOMBIE, and Singaporean hellraisers, BATTLESTORM.
This split kicks off with FETID ZOMBIE, a one-man project
displaying illustrious artist Mark Riddick behind all armaments of fire, as
well as drum-programming. Exhibited here are three tracks conveying a sound
that seems to characterize a very straight forward, and rather catchy
old-school Death Metal. Nevertheless, a few odd arrangements tinged with Black
and Thrash infused in their own bloody vomit definitely distinguish their tone.
They certainly have a cool distinct vibe going, and owe more than a few nods to
the likes of AUTOPSY, MASSACRA and MASSACRE. Summary: a good aural enticement
for consuming fecal turds.
Hitting you next on the split is BATTLESTORM, presenting the
remaining three tracks, succeeding splendidly at mangling your skull with a
noxious attack of pure old-skull Death/thrash with vibrations akin to the likes
of IMPIETY, ANGELCORPSE and ANAL VOMIT. Its cool shit, no doubt. I've been
following the band as far back as 2009, and they seem to just keep getting
better and better with each release.
It is to my understanding that the split in question has a
limitation of 500 copies, so be quick or miss out on a killer split.
Review by James Goatfukk:
Much appreciate your blog post
I love how this release blends old-school Death Metal with elements of Black and Thrash.
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