Australian Thrash Metal, what's not to love about it? Since the 80's we've been blessed with a ton of great bands (Slaughter Lord, Mortal Sin, Armoured Angel, Addictive, Destroyer 666, Grenade and Gospel of the Horns to name a few.)from this wonderful land down under. Forgery are one such Australian Thrash band, hailing from Canberra these 3 young men proudly wear their influences on their sleeve (there's obvious Sodom and Venom influences to be found all over the place here) and are here to do one thing, and that thing is; THRASH!
The EP kicks off with a haunting intro that leads into the ripping title track which thrashes without mercy and lets you know you're in for one hell of a neck-snapping listen. The best way to describe the sound on this EP is Venom jamming on Whiplash songs with Tom Angelripper on vocals (The bassist/vocalist, sounds a LOT like Onkel Tom).
The riffs in every song simply slay and are varied enough to keep you from getting bored. The guitar tone is violent and evil which fits in perfectly with pounding drums and thumping bass (that you can actually hear!). What you are in for here is a thrash assault that does not let up until these boys are done.
My personal favourite track on Hellbringer is "Spawns of the Void" which builds up with a Metallica-esque intro that leads into an evil sounding mid-paced thrasher. It is hard to choose a stand-out track on such a consistant EP, though.
Watch out for these guys, true THRASH METAL runs in their blood. Posers need not apply.
Support the band and buy this EP by messaging them over myspace at www.myspace.com/forgerythrash or emailing them at forgery101@hotmail.com.