Greetings Antropophager, nice to meet you and thanks for emailing me to arrange this interview! Seeing as I haven't heard your band before, could you please give me a bit of background info on Glory Hole? Who's in the band? What style of metal do you play? Where are you from? And so on...
We have been around since the middle of 2008, me and Poserripper decided to form a band for playing the kind of metal we worship that is thrash, death and evil metal. At the very beginning we recorded some songs that we putted on our first demo “Zombiecide”. In 2009 Sadistik Ciccino, who played with me in a short-life thrash metal band, joined the band and we started to play the first gigs. For a short period played the bass guitar also a friend of us, Sexviolence, a real pervert guy, but he left the band after 4-5 month, he dissappeared and we didn’t have any notice from him, don’t know where he is.
In 2009 we released a split with the belgian Hell Mentor and in 2010 we recorded our second demo “Impossible Creatures”.
We are from Vittorio Veneto in the north east of Italy and here in Veneto there are some cool bands of thrash, death and black metal but also a lot of shitty bands, especially from Treviso which is the city of posers.
How would you describe the sound of your band to someone who has never heard your music? What are your influences, and what do you listen to day-to-day?
Well our music is totally inspired by the old school most evil and violent thrash metal and death metal, so if you like bands like Massacre, Sadistic Intent, Possessed, Necrovore or the early Massacra you’ll like also Glory Hole.
We listen always a ton of old school and underground death, thrash and black metal and also occult bands of NWOBHM, but it doesn’t influence our sound.
Are you or any of the other Glory Hole members involved in any other musical projects, metal or non-metal? Have you been in the past?
Yes, in 2007 I formed a thrash metal band but in 2008 I split-up it because the other members, that are the other guitarist and the singer, were useless people and enormous posers so I waited that Poserripper learned to play the guitar and then we formed Glory Hole.
Now Poserripper and I have a side projects with a more obscure and obsessive sound but I can’t tell you more yet, however let's say that Glory Hole is absolutely the main band.
What's the metal scene like in Vittorio Veneto? You mentioned earlier that there are a lot of cool bands? What are some that I should keep an ear out for? Do you play many shows over there, if so, what are some bands have you shared the stage with?
Yes but the cool bands are not exactly from Vittorio Veneto, but in towns near to us. Here in our city the metal scene doesn’t exist! There are a few useless bands with 15 years old people that play cover of gay power metal or nu metal or shits like these, no one a part from us listen to thrash or death metal and so we are the only real metal band here.
Luckily, a few kilometres from here there are some cool bands and cool guys, really into the real thrash, death and the black metal, that are Lethal Death, Blasphemic Forces and Assaltator for the thrash metal, Eternal Sex and War for the black metal and Imposer and Blasphemous Noise Torment for the death metal.
And if you watch in a larger point of view, in the whole north east scene, you can put also bands like Flamethrower, Death Squad, Sacrificator or Oath.
About the gigs, our goal is not to play frequently, but to play with the bands we respect, so bands of posers or rockstars are not welcome to play with us. Let’s say that we played gigs with the most of the bands I mentioned before.
If I'm correct, so far you guys have four releases out, three of which are demos and one split. What can you tell me about each release? Are you working towards putting out more material? Where can fans purchase your music? Is it available through any distributors or labels, or only through direct contact with the band?
At the beginning, when we released the “Zombiecide” demo, we wanted to distribute it mainly to our friends because it had a raw quality and we were without drummer and bassist, but some people from foreign countries appreciated the songs and we printed some more copies. One of the guy who asked us a copy was Moshrat, who play in the belgian thrash-punk metal band Hell Mentor and then we decided to record a split demo together, in which there is our first version of Mass Slaughter, a songs we better recorded in the “Impossible Creatures” demo. For this demo we went on a little studio in Pordenone and I think we got a great guitar sound but I’m not completely satisfied of the vocals, that are without reverb and echoes. Impossible Creatures is our ultimate real release, because “Infestation of Worms/Death by Deformity” is simply a promo version of two new songs we recorded to send to a label, we don’t think to distribute it. We are obviously working on new songs and, even if is not official, probably we’ll record a full-length.
If anyone wants a copy of a demo can contact us via myspace and ask directly with us, we don’t have distributors or labels for now.
What are some funny and/or memorable experiences you guys have had in your time as a band so far? Any stories worth sharing with us?
Mm actually we are not the kind of band that like to party and have fun with other people, a part from some trusted friends, so we haven’t any particular anecdote to tell.However, I can say that as a band we had our most funny experiences on seeing ridiculous metalheads at the gigs and ridiculous bands on the stage, grotesquely trying in every way to make people believe they are metal, but they are simply posers.
Ah, I see, so you're the kind of band who prefers to get down to business then get out of there?
So now that you guys have your new demo out, what's next? Any plans for shows/tours? What about merchandise and/or promotion? And so on?
Yes, it’s been a long time since we last played a gig, about 3 months, and the last time was horrible, the local was a shit and the owner was worse, so we would like to play soon a cool gig to take revenge! We are not used to play often, but this pause has mainly served for arranging some new songs we’ll put on our next release, we have three new songs ready and two new songs to prepare.
I don’t know if we’ll release a new demo with the re-recording of the “Infestation of Worms/Death by Deformity” promo or if we will go directly to release a full-length, but we hope to release something as soon as possible.
We’re looking for a studio were to record the songs, building a personal rehearsal room, and preparing new stuff so we are definitely busy now.
About the merchandise, everyone who is interested can always ask a copy of the demo or a shirt with the “Zombiecide” cover on the front.
It's good to see ya keeping busy! I'd like to thank you for e-mailing me to request this interview and wish you guys the best of luck in the future, I look forward to hearing the demos you mailed me! Are there any last words you would like to say to myself or anyone reading this?
Thanks to you man! I want only to say to support the underground bands that play old school thrash, death, black and speed metal, and spit against posers, someone could think that what I’m saying is a cliché but this is the metal how we intend it, and how it is supposed to be.

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Support GloryHole or die
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