I have begun writing this review almost a week after the
festival, in this time I have had opportunity to think things over but also i
have had other rather stressing engagements and I have only just gotten over a
bug I seem to have picked up over the weekend, so my memory is somewhat hazy.
This review will not be free from bias and I certainly will not paint every
band in the most positive light however I will try my best to illustrate each
band as best I can for those that were not there or simply like reading
reviews. The pictures included are my own shots, unless it is noted otherwise. None (of mine anyway) have been edited.
I arrived somewhat early to the event on the first night, so
i spent the intervening time until the bands started, catching up with friends
i had not seen for some weeks and checking out what was on offer at the distro
stalls. I eventually picked up a Drowning the Light split 10” record I’d been
meaning to get for some time.
By 7pm i realised that the first band, Tamerlan, a new
symphonic black metal band whose first show was tonight, had started. Heading in
I immediately noticed that this new band was headed by a, for lack of a better
word, veteran of the black metal scene in NSW, having served in one capacity or
another in Astaroth, Nuclear Winter and Vrag over the years. I could not find
any particular fault with their music, their keyboardist had a patch at one
stage which reminded me of Mindless Self Indulgence of all bands which was amusing
and the sample that was played later on was unexpected, I hope to see more of
Tamerlan in the future!
After their set someone pointed out the similarities in
appearance between Varg Vikernes and Tamerlan’s guitarist in a negative light.
As amusing as this similarity was, I’m not sure how intentional it was, or
whether it was really important but nonetheless i felt it worth mentioning.
After Tamerlan was Nontinuum. Whilst their 2010 demo was
rather good, if I wanted to listen to early Woods of Desolation (Towards the
depths era in particular) i would do just that instead of listening to some guy
who prior to this project played in death/grind bands in Orange and Melbourne,
one of which I had seen some years before and had been left thoroughly
unimpressed after the experience.
I did hear later that
Nontinuum had transformed their woods of desolation worshipping songs into post-rock
songs and that of those who had witnessed them, only a handful had been
impressed or appreciative. I on the other hand took the opportunity to catch up
with people in the beer garden until Moon took the stage.
Moon is a project which has been around in some form or
another for the past half decade however it has been only recently that
Miasmyr, the entity performing on all instruments on the releases had assembled
a live version of Moon. This was their first time in NSW, after the infamous
debacle in late 2010 which resulted in their initial show being cancelled and
then subsequently their pulling out of the replacement show.
Being a fan of Caduceus Chalice and previous works (But Chalice
more so) I was looking forward to witnessing them in the flesh. It was at this
point in the night that a vast number of bones had been spread across the stage,
on equipment and strung up on the walls. Numerous candles had been lit as well.
Looking over the notes i made earlier in
the week when my memory was fresher there had been 7 candles lit, which was to
be a recurring theme for most of the acts in the next two nights.
Moon’s set could be
summed up as 30-40 minutes of screaming over fuzzy guitars and keyboards whilst
wearing hooded cloaks with absolutely no crowd interaction, however to some, such as
myself this was exactly what I was expecting and wanting to see. I hope to see
this band live again someday.
Wardaemonic are a band i have known about since they played
in 2010 for the gig that replaced Black Mass and as of this festival, witnessed
thrice, however i still have not found the time (and to be honest, the
interest) to listen to their albums. They have always had a good live show
whenever they have made the trip over from Perth so I was looking forward to
seeing them.
This performance made every other time i had seen them pale
in comparison. Last year I had seen them at the factory theatre, and really
their act translates better to the smaller stages. Their singer, Old was
utterly possessed in this performance. Creeping about the stage, drinking beers
handed to him, smashing the glass on the stage and jumping into the crowd, he
was absolutely intense, as was the rest of the band. Being unfamiliar with
their material, i did not catch the names of the songs played in their set,

It is a shame that
this performance was the last time Old and guitarist Regnator would be on stage
with Wardaemonic, having opted to concentrate on their work in Pestilential
Shadows. I hope the remaining members (Blitz, Maelstrom and Anharat) find
suitable replacements for them, as Old proved to be a vocalist that was a hard
act to follow. I do wish I had gotten some good shots of Old jumping into the crowd. I deleted the ones I did take as they were terrible shots.
Up next after Wardaemonic and closing the first night was
Drowning the Light. I have always had mixed feelings about this band, Azgorh’s
sizable discography in particular (personally i prefer material from 2009
onwards) however after witnessing them two times in the same number of nights
last year (the first being a secret set which even included a brilliant and
utterly unexpected cover of Darkthrone’s Transilvanian Hunger!) I knew to
expect a live show that delivered the goods.

The live band was
exactly the same as last year’s shows, Azgorh was accompanied by Blackheart and
Balam on guitars, Wraith on bass and Nihilifer on drums. Each individual
functioned in various other (no less fantastic) projects; Atra, Nazxul,
Pestilential Shadows, Erebus Enthroned and as such was perfectly comfortable on
stage. I must admit I had been surprised last year in discovering Nihilifer was
a competent live drummer as I have gotten used to him functioning solely as a
vocalist in Erebus Enthroned, and many, many years ago I witnessed him
demonstating his abilities on acoustic guitar rendering a faithful cover of a
song by a Swedish band I won’t name in the context of this review.
Photo of Nihilifer taken from the DTL facebook page. Used with permission from Azgorh. |
The setlist was composed of the following songs; Oceans of
Eternity, Night of Never ending Turmoil, The Key Still Not Found, The Cult of
Shadows (a personal favourite), As Plague Upon the Sheep, This Darkest Hour, Entrance to Illumination,The
Poison Kiss, Of Celtic Blood and Satanic Pride and one more song, the name of
which presently escapes me. It was a fantastic performance, made more memorable
by Azgorh’s barbwire crown and coat with coyote stole and fantastic
I have just realised that DTL’s performance last week was a
week off of precisely half a decade since the albums A world long dead, To the
end of time and Through the noose of existance were all released in limited
numbers on tape by winterreich productions on the same day. I’m more set on
finishing this entire review by Good Friday now. It certainly has been quite an
interesting journey for Drowning the Light through the intervening years
The next day of the festival started at 4pm, two hours
earlier than the first night so despite my lack of sleep and travelling
somewhat immense distances just for a shower and some food i still managed to
arrive early. Before the bands started i bought a record from The Coffins
Slave’s stall that i had been looking forward to buying for some time, a couple
of t-shirts from the Séance Records
stall and hung out with mates until the bands started.
Sorathian Dawn opened the second night. Like Tamerlan, they
are a “new” band, despite having been in existence for three years this was their
first time on stage (at least under their current name) however unlike Tamerlan
their stage presence was very impressive. Composed of members of Bane of
Isildur and Ouroborus, this was a much more blackened, far less technical (but
no less ferocious), far less melodic mixture of the two bands.

Aaron, the
singer/guitarist of Bane of Isildur was only on vocals in this performance. His
presence was demanding, with bones strung up on his person, commanding
attention through his intense performance, Michael Conti of Ouroborus had much
more subdued bass lines here, which was good to see and Shea Cramer,
(apparently now formerly) of Bane of Isildur was also much less relaxed than
his role in Bane of Isildur, playing his guitar fiercely and looking very
intense, the other members were no less great, I seem to remember being impressed by the drumming patterns on display, but my memory has faded in the
last few days.
Their songcraft was amazing, and personally i came away
thinking this collaboration was far greater than the two bands of which the
members came from.
Next up were the enigmatic entity known as Crowned. An
atmospheric black metal band from Toowoomba, now Brisbane, this trio had come
down last August to open another Séance Records show to a great reception. This time
around they walked on stage wearing cloaks to conceal their identities.
enjoyed their show last time around however, having seen Moon just the day
before i knew precisely what 30-40 minutes of fuzzy guitars accompanied by
screams whilst wearing hooded cloaks sounded like and catching up with friends was more important at that
stage of the night, plus Ill Omen were on next and I was looking forward to
witnessing them much more. Crowned have a debut album coming out via Séance Records
in a few months which i am looking forward to hearing very much.
So finally Ill Omen were up. I had been a fan of this one
man band formed by Desolate/IV (Whose credits include, but are certainly not
limited to Nazxul, Pestilential Shadows and Austere) since September 2010 when
I got my hands on the compilation of the first three demos. Since then they
they’d released two more demos and a debut album, all of which I found to be
incredible material, mixing cathartic black metal riffs with dark ambient and
The live lineup included Desolate/IV decked out in
ceremonial garments accompanied by members of Nazxul and
Sorathian Dawn, plus two (fantastic) guitarists who I did not recognise. They
played primarily from the debut album Divinity through un-creation (Sins of the flesh, Decrepit Heart Of the Shadow-sun, Sentinels Beneath a Heaving Earth and Gnosis) plus the
title track off the wrath of a thousand suns demo and a great Bathory cover; The return of Darkness and Evil.
If anything, I was a
little disappointed that the first four demos were left untouched but overall it was a great
performance and every bit worth the 19 month wait. I can only hope that Ill
Omen may manifest on the live arena once more in the future.
After ill Omen was Erebus Enthroned. I had seen this band a
handful of times last year (and regrettably missed their rituals in previous
years when I could have easily seen them) so I thought I knew what to expect. I
was wrong. Before their set had begun, the lights were dimmed, seven candles and
incense had been lit on a bone altar, filling the room with heavy smoke. Then
Erebus Enthroned took to the stage, having completed their pre-performance
Wasting no time in beginning their set with an as yet unreleased
(brilliant) track I can only assume will be on an upcoming split 7”, Nihilifer
is usually a commanding frontman, and this time was no exception. Singing
without relent as the music surged forth remorselessly, his lanky frame no
hindrance for his powerful screams. After the first song, they dug out old
favourites from their previous releases.
Decay busted out a few excellent guitar solos and the rhythm
section (Darash, Versipellis) never lost a beat despite the minimal
lighting. At the end of the ritual
Nihilifer grabbed a chalice which turned out to be filled with blood and drank
heavily, spilling blood all over himself and the stage before tracing a sigil
in the smoky air. This was the fourth time I had had the opportunity to witness
this band in action and it was in my opinion their best performance so far.
Erebus Enthroned was a hard act to
follow, and this was all too obvious with Order of Orias. No doubt a great band,
their debut being deemed worthy enough for World Terror Committee to
release(who have in past released gems such as the Chaos Invocation Lp) so it
was obvious these guys weren’t kidding around
Decked out in corpse paint and their stage props limited to
two Order of Orias banners, they were rather visually bare compared to Erebus
Enthroned and I must admit, despite catching these guys two years ago at the
Black Mass replacement show (where they replaced Moon at the last minute) and
receiving a promo version of their Birth ep at last year’s festival I was (and
still am) wholly unfamiliar with their material so i had no reason to catch
their entire set. For what i did stay for, Order of Orias were very intense and
abrasive, definitely a band to see live if possible.
Spire were next, yet another fuzzy cloaked atmospheric black
metal band from Queensland .(is there something specifically grim in that
state’s water supply that makes people form atmospheric black metal bands?) I
had first seen these guys at the black mass replacement gig where they blew me
This time was no different. I had picked up their second ep
some weeks beforehand and the only disappointing thing about it was that it was
too short. The songs were incredible and leading towards something higher and
greater, when suddenly the cd finished the final track and I almost cried out
of sadness.
Presuming you’d have read my reviews for Moon and Crowned,
then you would know what to expect. Fuzzy guitars, fervent drumming, and a
vocalist who mixed things up a little. I hope this project releases an album
someday, it would devestate.
Pestilential Shadows were one of the bands i had been
looking towards very much. I had the pleasure to witness them last year when
Desolate was still in the band and they were fantastic. Despite being rather
prolific on the live front last year, more than any other year of their
existence, playing two shows in Sydney and one in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth
I had still only been able to see them that one time on the first night of
Armageddon festival.
Pestilential Shadows set was fantastic. Opening with a yet
unreleased track; Mill of Discord which i can only presume is either a track
off their album coming out later this year or their side of the split 7” with
Corvus, also coming out later this year.
The rest of the set was composed of some of their greatest
hits; Plague eclipse, depths, With serpents I lay, amongst famine and beautiful
demise off of equally chart topping albums Embrace after death, Depths and In
memoriam, ill omen which is my personal favourite album by Pestilential
Shadows. I even found myself singing along to With Serpents I Lay.
I was a little
disappointed that nothing off Cursed was played live this year and after
Azgorh, their former vocalist did guest vocals on Depths i’ve always hoped that
he might appear for at least one song onstage but nonetheless this incarnation
of Pestilential Shadows played fantastically and without any fault.
After Pestilential Shadows, Vassafor took the stage. Perhaps
they had lent out all the bones on night 1, as they had made use of all the space
onstage by stringing bones everywhere and lighting candles and incense on their
bone altar. The lights were also dimmed for atmosphere. The rest of the band
were ready long before V.K, as he spent a good 10-15 minutes making sure his
guitar tone was just right. This did not go to waste as despite the
overwhelming volume (My ears were still ringing the next day) Vassafor retained
perfect clarity.
Their setlist was composed of songs (Rites of ascension,
Obsidian King, Sunya, Craft of dissolution and Archeonaut’s return) selected
from Demo II, Southern Vassaforian Hell ep and promo MMX/Obsidian Codex which
were played extremely well and without fault.
One disappointing
thing was that at one point I looked around the room from the front and
realised that there was roughly half the number of people present for Vassafor
than there was for Pestilential Shadows. Fools, they did not understand what
they were missing out as this was Vassafor’s first venture into Australia.
Their loss I suppose. I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on the Obsidian
Codex LP. The two songs i heard on the Promo MMX tape were almost too much to
handle at the time for me.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my rather long (At least 3008 words!)
review of the recent two night black metal festival “The Devil’s Arcana”. I
certainly enjoyed writing it in less than a day whilst still suffering
headaches, a sore back and a nasty cold. I have also just realised that i’ve
put much more effort into this article in minimal time than anything i’ve done
at university in the last three years.
In closing, this festival was a fantastic experience, I wish
all the best to the folks at Séance records and their future releases,
congratulate them wholeheartedly for putting on such a spectacular event and
hope that an equally fantastic event (and smaller ones along the way) occurs
next year as I get the impression that the black metal live scene in New South
Wales was somewhat poor until Séance records stepped in. To the bands i hope
they continue in their excellence and hope to see them live again someday in
the weeks, months and years to come.
If any individuals or bands wish to receive full sets of any particular band, feel free to email me at prmtvltrs@hotmail.com and I'll get back to you when I have the time. I took almost 200 shots over the course of two nights and I only could justify putting 34 here.
I suppose I should rate this festival too, as every other article here has ratings